Get Informed
This is a place for people who are curious - sure you have read our newsletter, but you are ready for some more information on unions, school budgets, organizing & negotiations. Let's get started! (PS if you read all of these, please reach out so we can get you into a committee!)
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Negotiations 101
How do we bargain: Currently, we follow an Interest Based Bargaining model, which our team was only trained on at the beginning of the 2021-2022 school year. You can learn more about it here.
Our team meets with the district about once a month to discuss whatever is next on the agenda. This means negotiations can take a long time.
We pull language from other unions & meet outside of negotiations to analyze different contracts' language.
Informational Videos:
- Why We Wear Red
How do others bargain: Other teams engage in traditional bargaining - when teams work on language in their own teams then come back to the table to negotiate. We are still finding the balance between traditional and Interest-Based bargaining.
- We are looking at ways to can be more inclusive and transparent in bargaining. Read this report from the UC Berkeley Labor Center on Transparent Bargaining to see where we could go in future.

Your Legal Rights
Learn more about your legal rights as an educator and union member.